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Exporting Stats

Wistia allows you to export your audience stats to a CSV. Check out all of the data you can see in the exporting stats page.

Caroline F avatar
Written by Caroline F
Updated over a week ago

While we work hard on making our analytics interface powerful yet easy-to-use, it can sometimes be necessary to export your stats data for further analysis.

There are three places you can export stats. The trends page, the media stats page for a video, and the audience page.

Exporting Trends Stats

First up, head to your account trends page. Click here to get to your own. Adjust your settings to what you’d like to export. Do you want a specific date range or all time? Folders or video? Want to look at data drilled down to the day? Make it happen!

Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click that Export Stats to CSV button.


If you choose to specify a date range, this will update the Plays over Date Range column. This does not apply to any other column in your CSV.

Folder level trends stats for each individual folder:

  • Date Created

  • Name

  • Number of Medias

  • Load Count

  • Plays Over Date Range (if applicable)

  • Play Count

  • Hours Watched

  • Lead Generation Tool Conversions (Turnstile, CTA, Annotation link)

  • Lead Generation Tool Impressions

For Media level trends stats you’ll export data for each media:

  • Date Created

    • The date the media was created in Wistia

  • Name

    • The name of the media

  • Total Loads

    • Total number of times the media has been loaded

  • Plays Over Date Range (if applicable)

    • The total number of plays over the date range you have specified

  • Unique Loads

    • The number of times the media was loaded at least once

  • Unique Plays

    • The number of times the media was viewed at least once

  • Average Percent Viewed or Listened

    • On average, people watch or listen to X% of this video

  • Duration

    • The length of the media

  • Play Rate

    • The percentage of people who have played the media after it has loaded

  • Hours Watched or listened

    • The number of hours that have been spent viewing or listening to the media overall

  • Lead Generation Tool Conversions (Turnstile, CTA, Annotation link)

    • How many times your lead generation tools were filled out and/or clicked

  • Lead Generation Tool Impressions

    • The total number of people who viewed a lead generation tool (but didn’t click it and/or fill it out)

These will export as CSV files which will be emailed to you.

Exporting Media Stats

If you want the low-down on an individual media’s stats, head to the stats page for that media (it has a link like http://<account><id>).

At the bottom of the page (past all of your heatmaps), you’ll see a button to Export Stats to CSV.


Click on the link and a dialog box will appear. Get your filters right (date range, if needed), and then select the Export button.

In the CSV file, each line represents one view of the video. The data provided includes:

  • Date

  • IP Address

  • Country

  • Region (State)

  • City

  • Latitude

  • Longitude

  • Organization

  • Email (if passed through)

  • Name

  • Percent of Media Viewed

  • URL where the play happened

  • Links Clicked (Annotation or CTA)

  • Browser (and version)

  • Platform (Mac, Windows, etc)

  • Device

You can also filter these stats to a specific date range.

The CSV file with stats and emails and actions data can be spliced and manipulated in Excel, or even imported into Marketing Automation software like MailChimp.

This data will emailed to you as a CSV file.

Exporting Audience Stats

You can also export your audience stats from the Audience page. Navigate to the audience page in your account by selecting Stats > Audience or just click this handy link.

At the bottom of the page you’ll see a button to export those stats as a CSV.


You’ll be able to export both identified leads, or your entire audience. You can differentiate by selected the different tabs from the top view on the Audience page.

Both sets of data will include:

  • Name

  • Email Address

  • Org (usually this is their internet provider)

  • Location

  • Last view (time)

  • Total plays

  • Employment Organization (if available)

  • Employment Title (if available)

  • Tagline (if available)

  • Gender (if available)

  • Twitter Handle (if available)

  • LinkedIn Handle (if available)

  • Facebook Handle (if available)

This data will emailed to you as a CSV file.

Export Channel Stats

You can export your Channel’s analytics using the “Export as CSV” button on the top right of your Analyze page. The export will include stats from the date range you have selected in the date picker. We’ll email you a link to download a CSV file with your Channel’s stats.

Here is the information you’ll find in your export:

  • Channel Name

  • Episode Name

  • Upload Date

  • Publish Date

  • Unique Loads on Wistia

  • Total Plays

  • Plays on Wistia

  • Unique Plays on Wistia

  • Plays on Podcast Apps

  • Seconds Played on Wistia

  • Seconds Played on Podcast Apps

  • Avg. Engagement on Wistia


Podcast fields will only be included for Channels that have Podcasting enabled.


If you’ve exported your stats, but haven’t received them in your email inbox yet, they may be getting caught in a spam filter. You’ll want to be sure to add [email protected] to your approved sender’s list. Alternatively, you can also approve emails from us with our domain -

Still not receiving your stats export? Let us know! We’re happy to help.

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