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Turnstile makes it easy to add email capture to any video. Build a better email list with Wistia Turnstile.

Caroline F avatar
Written by Caroline F
Updated over 3 months ago


A Turnstile cannot be added to an audio file.

Turnstile is a great way to identify high-quality leads with video. Connect your account to your favorite email provider, then add an email capture gate to any point.

Setting up Turnstile is a breeze, we’ll show you how!

Add Turnstile to Your Video

To enable Turnstile on a video in your account, open the Customize panel and click "Turnstile". Here, you can change the text of the Turnstile prompt, decide when it should appear on your video, and connect Turnstile with your Email Marketing provider. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

Choose Your Turnstile’s Behavior

You can decide whether to have your Turnstile pause the video when it appears, or whether the form should appear when a viewer moves their mouse over the player while it continues to play.

If you choose “Pause Video,” the Turnstile will take over the whole screen, as in the example above. With this option, you would set the time in the video that the Turnstile should appear, either by typing in the time or by dragging the "Turnstile" icon along the timeline to the desired point in the video.

If you choose “Overlay on Hover,” the Turnstile will slide in from the left side whenever the viewer moves their mouse over the player, and the video will continue playing while it appears. With this option, you aren’t prompted to select a time for the Turnstile to appear, since it can appear at any time that the viewer interacts with the video. Here’s how that would look in action:

Pretty nifty, right?

Customize the Button Text

By default, the button to submit the Turnstile will say “Play,” unless the Turnstile is placed at the very end of the video, in which case it will change to say “Submit.” But you can change this text to be anything you’d like! Your changes will update automatically on the video preview.

Collect First and Last Names

By default, Turnstile will only ask people to enter an email address. “But Wistia!” you exclaim, “I want to ask for first and last names so I can personalize my follow up emails!” Fear not, fellow marketer. Turnstile has you covered:

To enable the First Name and Last Name fields, select the “Ask for First and Last Name?” option right there in the Turnstile section. You’ll instantly see an updated preview of Turnstile on your video.

View Turnstile Conversion Analytics

Click on the Conversion tab on your media analytics page to view more data about the leads you’ve captured with Turnstile. Head over to our Media Analytics Overview for more details!

Set Up Your Email Provider Integration

Once enabled, a video using Turnstile will automatically track the emails entered by your viewers in Wistia analytics, but it is most powerful when connected to your favorite email provider.

To set up the connection, open your Account Settings and select Integrations.


In order to access the Account Settings, you will need to be logged in as the Owner of the account.

Email Integrations list

Go ahead and select your provider from the list! For this example, we will be using Emma.

Each provider needs a different set of information - you can see what info is required on the configuration page. Emma, for example, requires the following information from your Emma account: your Public API Key, Private API Key, and Account ID. We also try to include some pointers on where to find this info.

Use Your Email Provider With Turnstile

Once your account is set up to use an email provider with Turnstile, you can set up a Turnstile-enabled embed to collect email addresses, and pass them directly into a specific group in your connected email provider.

Inside the Customize panel, add a Turnstile to your video at any point. Then select the email list (group) you want the email to be added to when viewers submit their email.

Watch your lists grow! It’s a thing of beauty. 😃


Once a user has entered an email into the Turnstile for a specific video, it will not ask them for their email again.

How to Use Turnstile Without an Integrated Email Provider

Unfortunately, we’re not able to integrate with all of the awesome email providers in the world. If you don’t see your email provider listed in our current integrations, you can follow these simple steps to return a list of emails collected by your Turnstile.

First, navigate to your desired media page, then select the Analytics tab.

Individual Media Analytics

From here, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and select Export Stats to CSV on the right-hand side. This will send a spreadsheet of the media’s viewer stats to the email associated with your account. You can then copy and paste this information into the email provider of your choice. How awesome is that?


Need to export more than just one video’s worth of emails? You can export all collected emails from the Audience page in your account.

Customizing Turnstile

Ever wonder if you could collect something other than name and email address? Our friends over at FormKeep have made it super easy to create a custom Turnstile form! Seriously, we 😍 them.

With FormKeep you can add any field you’d like — phone number, job title, general emotional well-being, company size. The sky’s the limit!

Head over to their guide for all the fancy details.

Keep in mind, custom form data will not currently show up in your Wistia account, but will be pushed to your FormKeep account.

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