There are a few roles when it comes to live events in Wistia. Each role has a different purpose and level of access. These include:
Audience members
Hosts have the most amount of power in a live event, followed by panelists, and then audience members.
Hosts, quite literally, host live events. There can be multiple hosts for a live event. They have the most power and can start and end events. When it comes to working with other roles during a live event, such a panelists, hosts can:
Bring a panelist on stage
Mute a panelist
Pin a panelist to the primary position
Take a panelist off-stage
Hosts have the ability to run the live event as they’d like and have full control over it. This also includes actions when it comes to interacting with and moderating audience members. They can:
Activate or deactivate chat, Q&A, and polls
Uploads files to chat
Submit a comment to the Q&A
Delete a comment
Pin a comment
Silence an attendee
Hosts can take any possible action within a live event.
Panelists can take a lot of actions during a live event. While they don’t have the same level of power that hosts have, they still have a major part in running the event. This includes:
See drafted polls
Reply to Q&A
Delete Q&A
Upload files to chat
Make a submitted question public
Delete a submitted question
Make a deleted question public
Reply to audience chat
Submit audience chat to Q&A
Invite audience members
Audience members
Audience members don’t have any control over how a live event is run. They can, however, interact with hosts, panelists, and other audience members. This includes:
Contribute to the chat
Edit a message they submitted
React to other participants’ messages with emojis
Reply to a message
Vote in a poll
Submit a question