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Notification settings

Choose which notifications you'd like to receive about activity in a Wistia account.

Caroline F avatar
Written by Caroline F
Updated this week

Your Notification settings page is where you can customize what activity you get notified about. This includes activity from comments, to account notification and media activity.

To access the Notification settings page, select "Settings" from your account dropdown menu.

Once in your account's settings, select "Notification settings" from the lefthand side menu.


If you are a Standard or Limited user, your Notification settings page will look different depending on your permissions level in an account.

When you've made any changes to your notification settings, be sure to click "Save Changes" at the bottom of the page.

Comment notifications

With comment notifications, you can choose to be notified when someone mentions you in a comment. You can also customize when you receive notifications about team comments and audience comments.

Account notifications

Under Account notifications, you can get notified about login activity, bandwidth overage warnings, and/or new user folder invitations.

Media activity

With Media activity notifications, enable alerts for new media uploads, downloads, or all media activity.

Recurring media exports

Set up weekly and/or monthly media exports that include all of your account media and metadata.

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