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Comments are a great way to get feedback from your audience and collaborate with teammates.

Hanna P avatar
Written by Hanna P
Updated over a week ago

Audience Comments vs. Team Comments

Audience Comments are comments left by Viewers. Team Comments are comments left by Users.

You can choose whether visitors to the media page will have the option to leave comments.

Enabling Comments

By default, Audience Comments on your media are enabled. To disable this functionality, head to the Comments tab or the Media page preview. Here, you’ll be able to toggle the public display to allow Team comments, Audience Comments, or no comments (None).

comment tab
media preview

Comment Bulk Actions

You can manage commenting ability for multiple media from the bulk actions menu.

Manage Comments Icon

Within the Manage Comments modal, you can enable team comments, audience comments, or disable comments for the selected media.

Manage Comments Modal

Modifying Comments

Editing and Deleting Comments

Made a typo? Not a problem. You can edit or delete a comment by clicking the three dots under the comment.

Linking Your Comment to a Specific Time

Looking to make sure you’re leaving a comment at the exact right spot? Link your comment to a specific time by pausing the video while viewing, or scrolling to the desired time. Ensure the time is checked off on your comment before submitting.

Linking to time

Tagging Users in Comments

Tag a User in a comment by typing “@” followed by their name. The User can then be selected from the drop down that appears.

Tagging Users


If you’d like to update your email preferences (to skip getting a new email whenever there’s a new comment), just head to your account settings.

Resolving Team Comments

From the Media page, click the checkmark next to a Team comment to mark it as Resolved. The comment will then be hidden to allow you to sort through any unresolved comments.

Resolving comments screenshot

If you need to revisit a Resolved comment, simply click Show Resolved. Clicking the checkmark next to the Resolved comment will Re-open it.


If Team comments are enabled on the Public Media page, Resolved comments will remain visible to your audience.

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