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Legacy Plans

Everything you need to know about old plans, new plans, and our commitment to you.

Caroline F avatar
Written by Caroline F
Updated over a week ago

Everything you need to know about old plans, new plans, and our commitment to you.

We want to be your go-to platform for every phase of the video process. In July 2022, we introduced new Wistia plans and updated our pricing so marketing teams of every shape and size can make a bigger impact with video:

Wistia Plans and Pricing

Legacy Plans

If you signed up for Wistia before July 13, 2022 and you haven’t upgraded to one of these new plans, you’re on a Legacy plan. Simply put, this means the plan you’re on is no longer available to new customers.

Beginning in 2023, Legacy plans will be retired. If you’re currently on a Legacy plan, you will be required to move to a new plan. Account owners will be notified ahead of any changes to your plan or subscription price. When that time comes, our team will be here to help you evaluate your options and support you 100%. It’s important to note that if no action is taken in response to our notifications, you’ll be automatically moved to the next best-fitting plan that meets your needs, which may affect your subscription price.

Our Commitment To You

Over the last year, we’ve made some exciting updates to Wistia to support more of your video marketing efforts, including free automated transcriptions, the ability to archive media, and access to our new webinar feature, Wistia Live. These new features as well as future improvements are only available on new, non-legacy plans.

In 2023, we’ll begin moving all customers over to the new plans so they can get the most out of Wistia.

Curious about how the new plans differ from your Legacy plan? We’ve got you covered! You can head over to your Subscriptions page to compare the new plans to your existing plan. If you have any questions about your Legacy plan or the new plans, don’t hesitate to reach out to us by emailing [email protected]. We’ll get right back to you!

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