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Managing the Files in your Wistia Account
Managing the Files in your Wistia Account

All about managing your media files in your Wistia account.

Caroline F avatar
Written by Caroline F
Updated over a month ago

Need help organizing your media files? Want to know how your account is structured? We’ve got you covered!


Medias in your Wistia account are organized into folders. Folders are the building blocks of organization in your Wistia account. Medias uploaded to your Wistia account are uploaded to specific folders. A folder could contain all the training medias for your organization, all the sales materials related to a specific product, or just a bunch of your upcoming content.

You can also create a Channel, which showcases your medias on a single page in a set order to play one after another. You can even enable podcasting for your Channel!

Check out the folders, medias, or channels sections to read all about it.

Content Library

The Content Library page is where all of the content lives in your account and where you can create new content as well. You can sort by alphabetical order, when folders were created, and when they were updated. You can also filter this page to view your favorites, just your Channels, folders, or a list of all your media.


The Favorite section allows you to star your Channels and folders, keeping the highest priority ones within the Favorites section. Hover over the title of any folders or Channel and click the star to add it to your Favorites page.

content library favorites


You can search your account and apply a number of different filters to help narrow down your search and find exactly what you’re looking for. Start by typing in the search bar in your account (you can find this on just about every account page!).


You can search by the hashed ID of your media too (the 10-digit string at the end of any media URL).

If you don’t see what you’re looking for in the content that populates below the search bar, press “Enter” or click to see all of the search results for your query, and filter from there.

Search your content

After clicking to view all of the search results, you can filter the content based on specific criteria, or view any users that come up with your search.

You can filter:

  • Type (Channels, Episodes, Media, Folders)

  • Tags

  • All Content, Active Content, or Archived Content

  • Date Created (last 7 days, 28 days, 90 days, this month, or custom)

Search filters

In the list of results, you can see media type, name, when it was last updated, when it was created, and the total number of plays for each one.

User results show their role, name, and when they were created.


Folders in Wistia are containers to organize your content. There are a few options within a folder; the first one is called Media. This is your general view of your folder and all of its contents. You’ll also see that you can access your folder’s Permissions, Analytics, export the contents of the folder into a .zip file, or delete the folder (and all of its content) entirely.

Folder view page


Don’t see the full list above? You likely have limited permissions on the folder. Check out our Users & Permissions page for more info, or contact your Account Owner.

Create a New Folder

To create a new folder, head to your Content Library Page. From here select “New” and from the menu select “Folder.” A new folder will be created (called “Untitled Folder” until you rename it), and you will immediately be taken in where you can upload content, invite contacts, and edit the folder name.

You can also create a folder when uploading content. From the Content Library, click “New” and select “Upload Media.” After you’ve selected the media you’d like to upload, you can click to “Create a new folder” and then continue to upload your media.

Copy an Existing Folder

To copy a folder, from the Content Library page, scroll to the folder you want to copy. Hover over the folder. Two icons will appear to the right of the title - a trash bin to delete, and a copy icon. Click that icon to create a duplicate of the folder.

Copy an Existing Project


If you’re a Manager or Account Owner on multiple Wistia accounts, you’ll be able to copy folder from other accounts you’re associated with.

The Folder Title

The title of the folder is how you will find it in your account. By default, the title is Untitled Folder, but we know you want a better title than that!

To edit the title, hover over it with your mouse, and click the pencil icon. Edit the title text, and click “Save” once you’re done.

Edit the Title and Description of your Project

Changing the title of the folder won’t affect embed codes or links, either.

Add a Description to your Folder

To add a description to your folder, hover over the folder title and click the pencil icon that appears. Add your description text to the second field in the form and click “Save” when you’re ready.

You can type plain text into the description field or you can use (limited) Markdown to style the text or add links into your description. Click “See more tips” to fine a guide explaining more about Markdown.


Subfolders allow you to further organize media within a folder. Medias can be put into subfolders, and the subfolders can then be expanded or collapsed to provide a cleaner experience for folders with many medias.

You can add a subfolder by clicking the “+ button in the folder. Or you can navigate to the “Add” button and select “Add new subfolder” from the drop-down menu. ​

Button to add a new subfolder

This will create a new subfolder within the parent folder. You can add medias to the subfolder, change the title of the subfolder, and change the order of the subfolders within the parent folder. To give the subfolder a title, hover over the title text, select the “Edit” button, update the text to the title of your choice, and then press Enter. You can also share links directly to subfolders


Subfolders are only available for folders. If you want to further organize your Channel episodes into groups, use sections. Head on over to our Channels page if you’re looking to learn more about creating and customizing a Channel.

Section in a Channel

Changing views

You can choose how the media and subfolders inside a folder are displayed! Media views and subfolder views can be changed independently.

Media view

You have two layout options for how your folder content: List or Grid. You can choose between these options using the “Change view” icon on your folder page.

Media in a list display in a folder

In list view, your media are displayed in a vertical list like the screenshot above. If you decide vertical lists aren’t your style, you can select grid view instead!

Media in a grid view in a folder

Subfolder view

You can customize the layout of the subfolders in a folder! To toggle between the two layouts use the “Change view” icon on the folder page.

Changing the media and subfolder view in a Wistia folder

In an Inline view your subfolders will display inline within your folder. You can collapse and expand them to see the contents of each subfolder inline with all the folder content. Click on the subfolder’s title to open it in a separate window.

screenshot with subfolders in an inlist display

In the Grouped view your subfolders will display at the top of your folder:

Screenshot of subfolders in a grouped display


Folders can be in one of two states: unlocked or locked. By default, new folders are set to unlocked.

  • Unlocked folders can be accessed by anyone with the link. Your content is still not able to be found via search engines (like Google or Bing), but this setting makes it quick and painless to share your medias with someone else.

  • Locked folders can only be accessed when the viewer is invited by email.

To see or adjust your current folder’s settings, open “Share.”

A screenshot of a locked folder

If you want to share your folder and all of the medias within it, you should set your folder to unlocked, and then share the URL with viewers. That link would look something like:

Viewers who followed that URL would be able to access all media in the folder.

If, however, you only shared the URL for a single media, the viewer would only have access to that media — not the entire folder. Tricky, huh?

Sharing a folder with a private login is covered in-depth on the private sharing page.

Delete Folder


Deleted folders can’t be restored, so make sure you absolutely want to delete your folder before proceeding.

To delete a folder, select Delete Folder.

Say sayonara to that folder!


Channels are a great way to share content in a format where medias will play one after the other, and are a great way to create a deep media engagement experience.

Create a Channel

Just like with creating a folder, you want to start by heading into your Content Library page. From there, you can click “New” and select the "Channel" option.

Create a Podcast

By creating a Channel, you’ll have the option to enable Podcasting as well. In the Set up your Channel box, select Yes, I want to distribute media in my Channel to podcasting apps, and click “Create Channel.”

Create a Channel with Podcasting Enabled

Edit/Preview Channel

Before you release your Channel into the wild, you’ll probably want to add a bunch of sweet customizations. Select Edit/Preview Channel to view your Channel and edit it.

Edit:Preview Channel Button

Check out all of the customizations you can add to your Channel here.

The Channel Title and Description

When you create a Channel, you will automatically be prompted to add a title and description. You can update that information at anytime by going to your Channel’s Channel Details page or the Edit panel of your Channel’s preview.

Update Channel Title and Description

Published and Unpublished Episodes

When you create a Channel, you can either upload brand new medias from scratch or use the Move & Copy option to import your existing medias from a separate folder into your new Channel.

By default, the new medias in your Channel will be unpublished. They can be published by selecting Edit under Publish Settings on the media’s page. For a more in-depth look at publishing episodes to your Channel, check out this page.

Channel Options

You’ll notice on the left hand Channel menu that there are options that differ from what a folder menu may look like.

Channel Actions
  • Analyze provides you with all the amazing stats and metrics that you’ve been collecting from the episodes within your Channel.

  • Subscribers details a list of all viewers who have subscribed to your Channel.

  • Promote allows you to create custom audiences based on your Channel viewing data. You’ll want to first make sure that you’ve enabled the Facebook Ads or Google Analytics integration. Take a look at our Subscribers Page to learn about setting up Subscribers and how to Promote your Channel.

  • Podcast Settings are where you can set up and manage your podcast details.

  • Permissions allow you to add or remove users in your Channel.

  • More Options will provide you with two options. From here, you can either download all medias in your Channel, or delete the entire Channel.


Once deleted, any Channel that has been embedded on a webpage will no longer work. If you have shared out the Public URL, this will no longer function either.


You can filter your Content Library to see a full list of all the media in your account. This means you can see all video and audio files. If a media is in a Channel, this view shows you both published episodes, and draft episodes.

The All Media page has several options to filter content. You can filter by:

  • Folders/Channels

  • Tags

  • All Content, Active Media, Archived Media

  • Date Created (Last 7 days, 28 days, 90 days, this month, custom)

  • Duration

  • Created By

You can also sort the page by Last Updated, Name (A-Z), Name (Z-A), First Created, Last Created, First Updated, and Last Updated.

All media page filters


Only Account Owners and Managers can view the All Media page, as they are the only users in the account who have access to every file.

Medias live within folders. If you click into a media within a folder, you’ll see a menu. Under this menu (depending on your permissions) you’ll be able to: Customize the media, view the Stats, create an A/B Test , set the Folder Defaults, Replace Media, Download, or Delete the media. You’ll see options to embed and share as well.


Do you see a limited number of options here? Sounds like you have limited permission for the media.


Before you can do anything awesome with your medias, you have to upload them!

Head into any of your already created folders (or you can create a new one). Within that folder, click “Add” and select your desired upload option.

You can also upload media directly from the Content Library. Click “New” and then select “Upload Media” from the dropdown menu.

Check out the uploading page for more information on uploading.

Update Media Title

The title of the media is how you will find it in your account, and will also help boost your media SEO. By default, the title is the name of the media you uploaded, but can be updated at any time (it doesn’t have to be set before uploading). Changing the title of the media won’t affect embed codes or links, either.

To edit the title, click the "Edit" button. Edit the title text, and press the Save button at the bottom of the form. If your media has a transcript, we'll suggest a title for it with AI.

Media Description

Like the title of your media, the media description is important for media SEO purposes — so make sure you add a description!

Adding or editing your media description is done in the same way that you edit the title. Hover your cursor over the media title and click the "Edit" button. Add a description in the second field of the form and click the "Save" button to submit your changes.

The media description can help set context to your media or link viewers to your homepage or another media. The description will also be passed through to services like Twitter (see more on our Social Sharing page).

You can type plain text into the description field or you can use Markdown to style the text and put images or links into your description. Bear in mind that line breaks will appear in the description on the media page, but will not appear in the media’s description in a Channel.

For more information on how to use Markdown in your media descriptions, head on over to the Markdown Styling page!

If your media has a transcript, you can also choose to let AI write a description for you. Once you're all set, click "Save."


Embedding elements via HTML in media descriptions is currently not recommended and can cause issues with the way the page displays.

Media Info

Below a media, the “Info” tab has a variety of information about the media. Here, you’ll find:

  • Created Date

  • Created By

  • Play Count

  • Type

  • File Size

  • Duration

You can also click to view the embed locations of the media.

Media info on media page

Archive Media

Archiving media allows you to store media in your account that you’re not currently embedding or sharing publicly. This gives you the option to keep media in your account in an inactive state, but you can still access them and see their analytics!


Archived media do not count toward the media limit in your account, (but have a separate limit for each plan) and do not incur any charges.

To archive a media, hover over your desired media and click the checkbox that appears to the left. Check off as many media as you’d like.

This will open up a panel that allows you to select to archive them.

Select to archive media

Once you select to archive them, you’ll be prompted to confirm your decision, and then you’re all set!

To access your archived media, select “Archived” from the “Content” dropdown menu in your account or click “Archived” in the lefthand menu from your Content Library.

Archived media page

Archived media have an “Archived” label on them as well.


Soapbox recordings and scheduled Live events cannot be archived.

Restore Archived Media

To restore archived media, hover over your desired media and click the checkbox that appears to the left.

Restore archived media

Click “Restore” and then select the folder or Channel you’d like to move your media to. This will default to the folder or Channel the media was originally in, but you can choose a different one too! Once restored, the media will retain its original URL and reappear in any embed locations (if the embed code is still on a webpage).

Restore archived media to folder or channel

Download Media

There are multiple ways to download media within your Wistia account. The most common way is found within the menu on a media’s page. You will see an option to download the media file. You are able to choose to download either the original media file that was uploaded or one of the media’s derivatives (these are the versions at different quality levels that we created when we encoded your media).

If your media has a transcript, you can also download it with captions.

Download media options

If you are downloading a media from within a Channel, select “More Options” on the lefthand Channel menu.

Another option is to allow viewers to download via the Share button on the player. Check out the Share page for a walkthrough.

Export All Media

It’s possible to export all files at the folder level or the account level on the Content page.

Exporting from a Folder

You can download the entire contents of a folder on the folder’s landing page. Head to any folder within Wistia and you’ll see an option to Export All Media. Clicking this will allow you to export all of the original media files within the folder as a .zip file. There is a 4GB limit on the size of the .zip file.


Sometimes default archiving software does not handle these .zip files correctly (e.g. missing files, or unable to open). If that’s the case, we’d recommend using a more powerful unzipping tool, such as 7-Zip for Windows, or Keka for Mac.

Exporting from the Content Page

Navigate to your account's content library. Access Media Section: Once in the content library, locate and click on the "Media" section. Then select the checkbox next to the total number of media at the top of the page.

After selecting all the files, the bulk actions toolbar will appear at the bottom of your window. Within the bulk actions toolbar find and click on the "Download" option. When your files are ready for download you’ll receive a notification and a link to download in the Activity Tray. A copy of the .zip containing your files will also be mailed to your inbox.

This exporting method has a limit of 1,000 files. If your content library is larger than 1,000 total media we recommend exporting on a folder level.

Who Can Download?

Account Owners and Managers by default are the only users with access to download medias.

By default, contacts invited into Wistia are not permitted to download your media files, but they can be granted this permission. A contact’s ability to download files is controlled via permissions at the folder level.

There is more on allowing download permissions on the Users & Permissions page.

You can also allow any visitors to download your media via the Share buttons. More on that here.

Move & Copy

Moving and copying medias helps you reorganize your content, transfer media between folders and Channels, and duplicate medias for testing.

Read on for all of the instructions for moving and copying your media.

Moving Medias

Moving medias is good for keeping your account tidy.


You must be the Account Owner, a Manager, or an Admin on the folder or Channel to Move & Copy media.

To move medias between folders and/or Channels, hover over your desired media(s) and click the checkbox that appears to the left.

This will open up the Move & Copy panel at the bottom of the page.

Select Media to Move and Copy

You can select “Move to” or “Copy to,” which will allow you to move or copy media to any folder or Channel in your account.

Move and copy modal

Fun fact! Moving medias between folders and/or Channels within your account won’t change their embed codes or URLs. Phew. 😅

Moving Medias Between Accounts

If you are an Account Owner or Manager on multiple accounts and use the same email address to sign into them, you can move media to other accounts. This will also work if you’re a Collaborator who’s been given Admin permissions for a folder.

If you’re moving medias that have analytics, however, the analytics will not transfer between accounts.


If you move a media between accounts accidentally, and need the analytics back, moving the media to its original account and folder will automatically restore the analytics. Phew.

You will not need to re-embed your medias if you move them from one account to another. The embed code does not reference the account itself, and the medias will maintain their hashed IDs (the ten character code that’s associated with your media — something like abcde12345), so there’s no need to update the embed codes.

Copying Medias

Copying is good for creating multiple instances of a media with different customizations, or for zero-ing out analytics for a certain media (i.e. you make a copy and then re-embed). When you make a copy of a media, while the content is the same, this is completely brand new and separate from the original file. As a result, the copy will not include analytics from the original media, but instead will have its own analytics that start from scratch.


Heads up! You need to be an Account Owner, a Manager, or a folder Admin to move or copy.

To copy a media, hover over it and click the checkbox that appears to the left. This will open up a panel at the bottom of the page where you can select “Copy to.”

Once you’ve clicked “Copy to,” a modal will open where you can select your desired folder or Channel to copy into.

Move & Copy Modal

Once you’ve select the appropriate folder or Channel, you can confirm your action by click “Copy x items.”

Move & Copy for Channels

While Channels are structured a bit differently from folders, you can still move media (or move copies of media) into your Channel!

Channel Add Menu

On the Channel page, click the arrow on the Add button to expand a menu of options. Selecting Add from Wistia will open up the Move & Copy menu that will allow you to pull medias into your Channel.

Set Folder Defaults

If you’d like all of the medias in one folder to have the same customizations, you’ll definitely find that Set Folder Defaults comes in handy. With this, you can apply the customizations of one media to the other medias in the folder.

You can choose to Set Folder Defaults on all current medias in a folder, or all future medias in a folder. You’ll see this option right on a media’s page. You might be wondering which customizations will actually be added to other medias in your folder. The following will be applied:

  • Player color

  • Rounded player corners

  • Player branding

  • Thumbnail text overlay

  • Autoplay

  • Player controls (play buttons, video length included, play bar, volume, settings, fullscreen)

  • Share buttons

We wont apply Calls to Action, Chapters, Captions, Annotation Links, and media Thumbnails since these are typically specific to individual media.

Set folder defaults

Bulk Player Color Updates

Quickly update multiple Player colors at once from a Folder, Channel, or the All Media tab.


This feature can only be accessed by the Account Owner, Managers, and Users with admin-level permissions

To apply a color to multiple Players from a high level:

  • Select at least one media

  • From the bulk action menu bar, click “Edit Color”

  • Choose from the Account default Player color or, using the drop down, set a custom color:

    Edit Color

Be sure to click “Apply” to save your changes.

Replace Media

If necessary, you can also replace a media within your Wistia account. This allows you to update a media without needing to change the embed code. Check out the replace media page for more.



Deleted medias can’t be restored, so make sure you absolutely want to delete your media before proceeding.

To delete a media, select Delete from the media’s page.

If you’re in a folder, just click that cute lil' trashcan to the right of your media. It will appear when you hover over the media title on the folder page.

Delete a Video

If you are deleting a media from your Channel, select “More Options” on the left hand Channel menu and click “Delete Episode.”

How To Delete An Episode

If the media has received any plays in the last 90 days, we’ll also display the embed location where the plays occurred.

If you have questions, reach out to our Support Team at [email protected]!

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