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Embed Live Registration Forms

Embed a Wistia Live registration form directly on your webpage.

Caroline F avatar
Written by Caroline F
Updated over a week ago

Once you’ve enabled registration for your Live event, you can embed the registration form on any landing page.


If you’d prefer to embed the registration form via oEmbed, refer to our oEmbed documentation.

To access the embed code for your registration form, open the "Customize" menu on your scheduled Live event page and navigate to the "Registration form" tab. Click "Copy" before pasting the embed code in your webpage editor.

After submitting the registration form, viewers will see a confirmation message with calendar links. During the stream, the form embed will contain a link to join the event room.

Once the event has concluded, the form will display a link to watch the recording.

If you later disable registration for your event, the embedded form will only display the event date and time, calendar links, join link, or event recording link.

Registration via an embedded form functions exactly like the Wistia-hosted form. The embedded form will still receive registrations if you've connected an integration. If you’ve configured confirmation emails, those notifications will also be sent.

Viewers who register through your embedded form can join events via the calendar and join links in both the confirmation emails and embedded form, and their registration will populate in Wistia.

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