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Folder Permissions

All about adding users and setting permission levels in folders.

Caroline F avatar
Written by Caroline F
Updated over a week ago

Within a Folder, there are a variety of options when it comes to giving permissions for others to view and interact with the content. You can adjust the access allowed for anyone in the account, as well as invited users.

In a Folder, click "Share" to open up the share modal. Within the share modal, there is a "General Access" section and an "Invited Users" section.

Add viewers to folder

There are multiple options in each section depending on the level of access you'd like others to have.

General Access

When sharing a Folder, the General Access section of the Share modal defaults to only allowing invited users to access the Folder. Anyone with a link to the Folder can view content (but not take any other actions).

From the dropdown menu, you can change "Only invited users" to "Anyone in my Wistia account." When set to this option you can decide whether you'd like anyone in your account to only be able to view the content in the Folder, or manage the content in the Folder (upload content, download content, share it, record, etc.).

For anyone else with a link to the Folder, you can have this set to:

  • Can view

  • Can download

  • No access

If you select "No access," this will automatically lock your Folder so that no one with a link can access it. In this case, only Account Owners, Manager, and invited users can access the Folder.

If your Folder was previously locked, and you switch from "No access" to "Can download" or "Can view," your Folder will become unlocked.

When changing any settings, be sure to click "Save" and you'll bet all set.

Invited Users

To open up the Share modal in a Folder and start inviting users to access the content, click "Share" from within a Folder.

In the "Invited Users" section, you can add existing and new users by email. If you'd like to add multiple users at a time, after typing a user email, hit the return key, and then type another user email. To remove an email, click the "x." Click the gear icon will take you to the Manage team page where you can manage all of the users in your account.

Add viewers to folder

When adding users, there are a number of different permissions to choose from.

  • Admin: this user has access to all other permissions listed below. They can add an remove users, edit and record, and delete the Folder. Basically, they can do anything an Account Owner or Manager can do.

  • Upload: this user can upload new content to the Folder, including recordings within Wistia. They’ll also be able to customize any content they upload.

  • Download: this user can download any content from the Folder. They can also Export all media from the Folder.

  • Share: this user can share the folder by embedding the content.

  • Stats - this user has access to any analytics collected from the media within the folder. They can only access analytics for public plays to the media in the folder (Analytics of users invited to folders are housed in Private User Sessions, and are only available to Account Owners and Managers.)


Any user created from within a folder will default to a Limited User and can only access that specific folder. You can also add existing Standard Users to a folder.

Personalize email notification

When adding users, you can also choose to personalize the email notification they receive.

Click "Personalize email notification" to customize what your invited users receive to activate their account. The subject and message shown are what we send by default.

Once you've selected your desired permissions and edited the email notification, click "Save." Your users will then be invited to your Folder.

Remove user

To remove a user from a folder, click "Share" and then click the "x" in that user's row.

Click "Save" to confirm your changes and you're all set. If the user had a permission level that allowed them to upload, record, and edit content (Admin and Upload), anything they added, recorded, edited, or customized will remain working as expected.

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